Before filling out the Baptism Request Form below, we invite you to read about the process of preparation for Baptism at Epiphany Parish.
Give thanks for the Sacrament of Baptism. Baptism is a beautiful gift from God. Through the gift of Baptism, the Holy Spirit will live in their soul, and they will be made a child of God, a member of the Church, and be set free from original sin!
Take your own Catholic faith seriously. To raise your child in the faith, it is of great importance that you are living it well! Practicing the Catholic faith and living it well includes attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of obligation, going to Confession regularly, praying each day, and growing in a deeper knowledge of your Catholic faith.
Pray about who could be a faithful Godparent/Sponsor. The decision of whom to choose as a Godparent is not one to take lightly. Beyond being present on the day of Baptism, a sponsor helps the baptized person to lead a Catholic life. This is intended to be a lifelong relationship! Godparent/Sponsor FormWho can be a Sponsor
Participate in our Baptism Preparation Program. If this is your first time baptizing a child or if more than 3 years has passed since the baptism of your last child, it is requirement of our that parents participate in our Online Baptism Preparation Program. Our Baptism Preparation Program is a video course for both parents (if applicable) to watch as well as videos for the chosen Godparent(s). Once you have filled out the request form please click the Baptism Preparation Videos button below. This will take you to our online Baptism course. Please view the videos at your earliest convenience. At the end, you will send the certificate of completion to me. Once I have that, we will set up a meeting to discuss the baptismal rite and what happens during the Mass. You will also receive a parent handbook. Baptism Preparation Program
Schedule your Baptism. Once we receive the Baptism Request form, the Sponsor forms, and Online Baptism Preparation Certificate, we will work with you to schedule a date. Baptisms typically happen during Masses on the 2nd & 4th weekend of the month.
Bring your children up in the practice of the faith. At Baptism, parents are told: On your part, you must make it your constant care to bring them up in the practice of the faith. See that the divine life which God gives them is kept safe from the poison of sin, to grow always stronger in their hearts.That’s a high calling, and in our Parish, we want to walk with you and help on the journey of raising your children in the faith. We hope this is the start of a lifelong journey together of spiritual growth and faithfulness.