We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the ministry leaders who participated in last weekend’s We Are Called ministry fair at St. Albert the Great. It was inspiring to see the diversity of ministries within our parish and the many opportunities available for sharing your time and talent. A special thank you goes out to all who attended the fair, especially those who expressed interest in joining a new ministry or volunteering in a new way. Your enthusiasm and willingness to get involved are what help our parish thrive!
We also want to express our gratitude to everyone who has already responded to the Gifts of Grace Offertory Program. Thank you to all who took the time to fill out a pledge card. Knowing what to expect from offertory collections is essential for us to plan and budget responsibly for the year ahead. While much of the offertory supports important but less visible costs—like utilities, insurance, and church supplies—these are the things that keep our parish running smoothly. We kindly ask everyone to fill out and return their pledge card by the end of October, whether you plan to give or not, to help us in our planning.