Sunshine Supper (SSS) continues to provide a drive-through, community meal every Monday evening, serving roughly 450 meals. It's our turn to serve a meal on Monday, December 9. We need volunteers to help serve and deliver the meals in the drive-through, as well as provide food donations in order to prepare this meal.
We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve broken the $1 million mark in our Gifts of Grace offertory program, with $1,050,831 pledged so far! This puts us at 42.22% of our $2,489,000 goal—a wonderful milestone to celebrate. However, with only 503 pledges received, representing just over 16% of our parishioners, we still have a long way to go. As a reminder, we are looking to start increased giving with the new liturgical year, beginning the first Sunday of Advent, December 1st, 2024. If you haven’t yet returned your pledge card, please consider doing so soon. Every pledge, no matter the size, makes a meaningful impact.
If you’d like to see the program materials or have misplaced yours, please visit There, you’ll find the brochure, pledge card, and letter that were mailed out, as well as an up-to-date pledge total. Thank you for your generosity and support!